Developer Relations @ Zeta: Role of Developer Advocates — (Part-2)

'Celebration of Engineering'
3 min readMay 28, 2021


Developer Advocates

In the previous blog, we spoke about where the Developer Experience (DevExp) Team fit in at Zeta, what we aim to achieve, and what we have done so far. Now let us look at who a Developer Advocate is, what they do, and how they fit into the Developer Experience Team at Zeta.

The day-to-day activities of the Developer Experience are done by the Developer Advocate. This could be helping developers adopt and use a platform or product and collecting and passing on internal and external feedback to Product Managers and the Marketing Team to influence their roadmaps.

So what does a Developer Advocate’s day look like?

Let me talk about my day-to-day job to help you understand. I will try to talk about the projects I am working on and about how we are going about achieving things.

OpenSource @ Zeta

  • This is my most passionate project. Why? Because over the years I have learned a lot from the developer community and feel it is time to give back. As part of this project, we are identifying existing services at Zeta that are generic and can be open-sourced and fostering an environment where we are building new services with the intention to open source them. We have an account on GitHub that you can check out to see what we are doing. Start collaborating with us on GitHub.

Developer Mindshare

  • I am here to advocate on your behalf, to advocate for your needs, This is all about how we interact with developers, how we create opportunities for our employees to share their learnings with others in the developer community, and showcase what they are working on to the world. Last month we sponsored RootConf’s Data Privacy Conference hosted by Hasgeek where 3 of our engineers Apurva Jaiswal, Praveen Darshanam, and Shaik Idris participated in round table discussions. Next month we are sponsoring the Data Deletion Practices Conference hosted by Hasgeek where we will have more people showcasing their talents. Another thing that might be of some interest to avid developers is ZetaHacks, Zeta’s Quarterly hackathon. The first edition will take place in July and will be open to Zeta’s engineers and external developers across India. We intend to make future editions global events!

Knowledge Base

  • This is primarily about collecting and curating information in a central location. This includes product and API documentation and code samples for internal and external consumption and technical and roadmap discussions, for when we want to answer the question, “How exactly did we get here? And why?”.

But, reading is passé. We are in the process of converting written documentation to videos. One such project is the Product Explainer Videos project which focuses on creating video repositories of each product suite.


A Developer Advocate is a developer’s best friend. Developers are my top priority. I am here to nurture an environment where information is decentralized and ideas flow, both within the organization and from the developer community. An organization’s goal is to build world-class products that are easy to adopt and provide the best user experience. I am here to facilitate this.

About Zeta: Zeta is rethinking payments from core to the edge, algorithms to form factors, applications to solutions. Having built a modern stack that Financial Institutions (FIs) can use for debit, credit, and prepaid cards, loans, authentication, and Fraud and Risk Management (FRM), Zeta invites you to join their journey in democratizing payments. Check out the openings on Zeta’s career page:

Read about Zeta: Business Insider , CNBC


Thank You

Phani Marupaka



'Celebration of Engineering'
'Celebration of Engineering'

Written by 'Celebration of Engineering'

Engineering adventures and the stories from the trenches

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